The Black 411 Announces Plans

The Black 411 Announces Plans

BFE Telecom announced plans to grow its customer base nationwide in the 2nd half of 2007. "We have spent the last year concentrating on the technical aspects of the service and in a few key markets, now we are expanding our efforts to sign up customers nationwide," said President Lawrence Spear, "The reception for the service has been overwhelming at times. It is obvious that with the economic conditions that Blacks are facing in the country that we now start to control more of our own destiny black411 blog is a Targeted Directory Assistance service that allows consumers to find and locate Black-owned businesses across the country by calling live operators that will provide a listing of Black businesses. Unlike traditional directory assistance callers do not have to pay $1.50 to $2.00 per call; instead, consumers pay one flat rate, $5.00 per month and they call as often as they would like.

"This service is not your old directory assistance", offers Larry, "we focus on providing information that is targeted to our users. You simply tell us the type of business you are looking for and the city, and we provide the nearest information we have. You can ask for the hottest jazz club, the best rib joint, or lawyers or doctors in your area. We cater to providing a full spectrum of businesses that our customer base utilizes.".

BE Telecom has also signed a contract to partner with a major telecom carrier to help provide the service nationwide which will upgrade the service level and provide the customers with a service experience that will be 2nd to none. "Our vision is to provide our customer base with a unique service, but one that will not compromise service or availability. Our partnership with the nationwide company will begin in the early 3rd quarter and will be another option that our customers will have". added Mr. Spear. The black411 blog is going to change the way we find products and services and will help to strengthen our economy at the same time.

The black411 blog is aggressively signing up businesses with a discounted $100 to list your business, and we have reduced our Consumer registration to only $5.00. As the country continues to struggle economically, and as major employers continue to outsource employment, blacks continue to find themselves as the last one hired first one fired. It is now more important than ever that we focus on growing the Black Economic and Business sector. We need to create successful companies so that we can create jobs and can create valuable services for our communities.

About BFE Telecom: BFE Telecom was founded in 2005 by Lawrence Spear a 20-year Telecom executive. The core service of BE Telecom is The black411 blog The Black 411™ is a Targeted Directory Assistance service that helps Blacks find and locate Black-Owned Businesses across the country. The company is headquartered in South Florida but is relocating to Atlanta Georgia in the 2nd half of 2007.

The black411 blog The Time is Now We Can't Afford to Wait We encourage all readers and listeners to go to our website and to sign up as a user or to register your business for this revolutionary service.

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